Professional genealogist

My Service

Genealogical research

Brandenburg, Pomerania, East Prussia, Silesia, West Prussia, Posen, Poland

Transcriptions, Translations

Transcriptions of old German handwriting, translations of entries in church books from German, Latin, Polish to English


in all archives and libraries in Berlin, Brandenburg and Western Poland (other archives and libraries if they are online), printed publications, databases


German, English, Latin, Polish

Special fields

Brandenburg (incl. Neumark), emigration, Jewish family research

You get

Detailled reports, copies, photos, scans, transcriptions, translations


Do you have problems deciphering old German handwriting? Do have you reached a dead end because the origin of an ancestor could not be determined so far or the church records are no longer available (as it is often the case in the historic East Brandenburg, Pomerania and Silesia). Do German, Latin or Polish texts represent a hurdle for you? Or is simply the origine of an immigrant (from Prussia) unknown?
I may be able to help you due my experience and thorough knowledge of sources.

I regularly research in:

  • All archives in Berlin and Brandenburg (such as Potsdam and Frankfurt/Oder)
  • Polish State Archives in Szczecin, Gorzów Wielkopolsi and Zielona Góra
  • Online sources of further Polish State Archives
  • Online databases
  • Printed sources

Brandenburg, Prussia emigration overseas

A province of the Prussian Empire, Brandenburg stretched from the Elbe River to beyond the Oder River and into modern Poland from 1815 to 1945.

Emigrants from Brandenburg (incl. Berlin) can be found in:

  • Emigration cards located at Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (BLHA), 19th century
    (Type in the word Auswanderung and the last name of the emigrant)
    Card file of people who requested permission to leave the Prussian province of Brandenburg (incl. Berlin). Only those who received permission to leave are listed. Though the card file contains the names of over 61,000 persons the collection is incomplete due the lack of records and the fact that many emigrated without official permission.
  • Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934
    The database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Hamburg, Germany.
  • Bremen Passenger Lists, 1907/08, 1913/14, 1920-1939
    The database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Bremen, Germany. - Unfortunately, all lists from 1875-1908 older than 3 years were destroyed due to lack of space in the Bremen Archives. Further passenger lists were lost in Word War II.
  • Stettin Passenger Lists, 1869-1901
    The database contains passenger lists of ships that departed from the port of Stettin, Germany (today: Szczecin, Poland).
  • Further exist (or existed) passenger lists of German ships arriving at foreign ports. Those passenger lists of ships arriving at ports of the U.S.A. are online from 1820: Immigration Records |
  • If neither a passenger list nor a permission to emigrate can be found you could examine the Brandenburg - Database which includes an index of church books (in progress).
The province of Brandenburg (red) within the Kingdom of Prussia (blue)
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

My Credentials

  • Member of the "Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen" [Association of German-speaking Professional Genealogists].
  • Since 2011 I have been working for more than 600 clients, mainly from Germany and other European countries, but also from the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
  • Regularly engaged by international companies such as ProHeraldica and AncestryProGenealogists.


Of course you can set a maximum budget. Payment per PayPal is possible.

Service Details Fee
Research in archive records (besides of church books) 25,00 € per half an hour (*)
Research in church books, including translation 25,00 € per entry (*)
Report At the end you get a detailled report, a pedigree chart and a list of examined sources and research opportunities. none
Travel expenses 25,00 €
Archives fees none
Copies none

(*) For clients residing outside the European Union.


Stefan Rückling

  • born 1976
  • Languages: German, English, Latin, Polish
  • Experience in genealogy since 1992
  • Professional genealogist since 2011

Contact details

Please send your inquiry to one of the following addresses (post or e-mail):